【華文文學講座∣ 詩創作】 講 題|創作的歡愉:愛沙尼亞神話與地景
Creation is Funny: Estonian Mythology and Landscape
演講者|何索‧庫爾 Hasso Krull
主持人|林惠玲老師(詩人 枚綠金)
時 間|10/31 (三)14:00—16:00
地 點|人社一館 文A207會議室
講者簡介|何索‧庫爾Hasso Krull
Hasso Krull, the Estonian poet, essayist and translator was born in 1964 in Tallinn. He studied Estonian Linguistics and Literature until 1985 at the Pedagogic University of Tallinn. Krull has played a major role in the propagation of modern French philosophy within the Estonian literary-critical discourse, and has, as a theorist, been primarily concerned with post-structuralism and post-modernism.
Hasso Krull is one of the most important writers and thinkers to emerge from Estonia since the country regained independence in 1991. Among his numerous books of poetry are Talv (Winter, 2006); and Neli korda neli (Four Times Four, 2009). Krull’s poetry is strongly rooted in the Estonian landscape, but reaches far beyond regional concerns due to its attention to the details of modern life and the intellect of the poet. In recent years, Krull has been strongly attracted to mythologies, creation stories and cosmology.
He has received numerous awards, including the Baltic Assembly's Prize for Literature in 2005, and the Annual Prize of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia for poetry in 2002 and 2010. Krull translates from six European languages, and since 2001 is co-publisher with Kalju Kruusa of an internet journal devoted to Estonian translations of poetry.